City Beep

Test Your Knowledge About Food

Test Your Knowledge About Food

About This Quiz

Food is not just something we eat for survival – it is something to be savored and enjoyed to the fullest. What’s your favorite meal? Do you know the main ingredient? What about which fruits have certain vitamins and minerals? Or what meat the most people eat? From figuring out the king of fruits to knowing what fruit is used in the ever popular cocktail had on holidays known as the pina colada – it is time to test your knowledge about food and see if you really are a foodie – once and for all. It is time to take the food facts quiz!

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Jessica spent a gap year as a digital nomad and offsite social media manager before returning to study at McGill University in her native Montreal. Currently, she is pursuing a BA in English and ingesting this cosmopolitan city quite differently than she did in her childhood. Diverse interests define Jessica. With two classmates, she once snowshoed through 200 kilometers of Quebec's backcountry for charity. Of course, Jessica writes. Thanks to modern access to self-publishing, Jessica's YA titles are gaining a fanbase on Amazon. Importantly, Jessica also codes. She has a super-secret app in development that could make her a household name in five years. When she's not writing, coding or studying, she's performing with her popular improv troupe, Jess 4 Laughs, which consists of four improvisers named Jessica.

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